Contemporary life is full of pressures and as a result, our mental health can sometimes suffer. Good mental health is as important to our wellbeing as our physical health and when we don’t take care of it, our quality of life can deteriorate.

If mental health problems and stresses aren’t properly understood, they can develop into serious and often lifelong conditions.

Through our EAP provider, we can offer a range of Mental Health training to help your business promote good mental health within the workplace:

Mental Health Responsive

Mental Health Responsive

Supporting employers and their organisations in raising awareness and promoting positive attitudes towards mental health, whilst also exploring the challenges that may be faced within the workplace.

Mental Health Awareness

An overview of Mental Health and why we should challenge stigma in the workplace. Content includes how to look after ourselves, looking out for others and increasing our resilience. Designed to focus on company culture.

We can provide a number of other courses surrounding mental health and wellbeing so if you have specific requirements or just want to know more, contact us on 0345 076 2288 or complete the below form: