Our selection of Personal Development training courses, strives to deliver measurable results and support professionals to fulfil their true potential.

Our Personal Development training covers:

Assertiveness and Influencing
Coaching Skills for Managers
Delivering Excellent Customer Service
Presentation Skills
Resilience and Wellbeing
Team Development and Motivation

If you are interested in a personal development course, call us today on 0345 076 2288 or complete the form below.

If there is something you are interested in that we don’t currently offer, please email marketing@ahrconsultants.co.uk with your requirements.

How is the Training delivered?

Each training session utilises both theoretical and practical exercises, providing delegates with the confidence to apply knowledge in the workplace.

Depending on the individual preferences of your business, we can deliver Personal Development Training in-house or online, at a date and time that suits you.

Book a Personal Development Course today

To enquire about our personal development courses, call us on 0345 076 2288 or complete the form below.

What is Personal Development?

Personal development is a broad term that focuses on improving self-awareness, setting life goals, and facing personal challenges.

Personal Development Training is designed to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, identify your goals, and help you to work towards improving certain areas of your professional and personal life.

These courses can help to support and encourage employees, while teaching expert techniques to make them feel confident in their working lives.

A dedicated effort towards personal development is essential for achieving individual goals and accelerating career progression.

While this brings obvious benefits for employees, the development of in-house talent is also desirable for employers, who are likely to see improvements in morale, engagement, and productivity as a result.

Why is it so important?

For career growth and development, it is important to be continually learning and stretching yourself. Enhancing personal development skills will help you achieve your goals, while allowing you to make progress at work and become more confident.

Personal development skills courses give you a practical means through which to realise your potential. They also help to keep you motivated at work, give you a set of new challenges, and ultimately invigorate your professional life. Personal development courses can open new doors in your professional life, while helping to improve your wellbeing.

What’s more, personal development courses also encourage the creation of positive mental habits, leading to better focus on ideals and objectives. This is supported by greater resilience and flexibility, making it easier to adapt to any working challenges that may arise.

What areas are covered in these courses?

We cover a range of essential workplace skills, such as self-discipline, delivering presentations, motivating teams, being assertive, and being resilient.

These courses are not all directly related to the delivery of a particular service or product. Instead, they adopt a universal approach towards being more effective at work. This makes personal development a powerful tool for improving the overall performance of your employees.

Why are these courses a good investment?

The best personal development courses can improve the overall skills base of your company, helping to create a resourceful, confident, and accomplished workforce that delivers real results.

Personal development training also encourages a positive attitude towards problem-solving. By preventing potential issues from escalating, staff retention is eventually improved. This means employees are more likely to feel valued in their roles.

How can AHR Consultants help?

AHR Consultants provide an extensive range of personal development training courses. As outlined above, these courses are flexible and tailored to your needs.

Whether you are looking for an online or in-house session, we can deliver the right personal development training for you.

For more information, call us today on 0345 076 2288 or contact us here.