Participating in a health and safety campaign is great for raising awareness of important issues in your organisation. We have selected two campaigns for employers to focus on during May 2022, drawing attention to both physical and mental wellbeing.

Sun Awareness Month – 2nd May to 8th May

Led by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD), this week marks the beginning of a summer-long sun awareness campaign, encouraging the public to protect themselves against excessive sun exposure and skin cancer.

Studies show that one in three people across the UK will experience sunburn each year, which can often be avoided with proper use of sun protection products.

One of the biggest themes of BAD’s campaign is self-examination, with the group offering plenty of helpful guidance on their website to assist with this.

Do your employees work outside? Do your risk assessments cover the exposure to sun? Not only are there issues with sunburn and skin cancer but also temperature, glare, and even fire from flammable substances being stored incorrectly.

If the above is likely to apply to your employees, you must review your arrangements to ensure you have suitable control measures in place, sharing these with anyone who may be affected. Hazards caused by the sun may be obvious to some people, but not to all.

For tailored guidance on reviewing and updating your risk assessments, call us today on 034 076 2288 or submit a question using the form below.

Mental Health Awareness Week – 9th May to 15th May

This year, Mental Health Awareness Week focuses on the theme of loneliness, an issue which has been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Although the restrictive impact of the virus is largely a thing of the past, the longer-term effects of loneliness may still loom large for many, with the Mental Health Foundation seeking to reduce this.

How do you tackle loneliness at work? Simple phone calls or video calls with remote workers will help boost morale and help employees feel involved, especially if they were once part of a large social hub in an office.

People can be lonely even if they are not alone, regular 1-2-1s with your employees can help identify if someone needs support, or give them interaction they may not have on a day-to-day basis.

Do you have an Employee Assistance Programme in place for employees to use if they are struggling with loneliness, or anything mental health related?

These programmes are confidential and available 24/7, meaning your employees always have somewhere to turn for personal support.

For more information on Mental Health Awareness Week and to access free resources for your organisation, click here.

Looking for further support?

If you would like to receive further guidance on any area of health and safety, including the provision of employee wellbeing support, call us today on 0345 076 2288 or complete the form below.